Tuesday 14th May 2024
Show jumping lessons re-start 8th April, 2025
Jumping lessons are held at fortnightly intervals at Alsager Equestrian Centre with Joy Toomer. The first session this year will be Tuesday, 8th April. The sessions commence ar 7pm and the first one will probably be indoor but throughout the season we will be outdoor. The sessions are currently being run at 50cm to 70cm . These sessions have run for many years and we aim to be as supportive and encouraging as posssible. If you wish to jump higher or lower please ask and I will see if I can accommodate depending on numbers. The sessions will continue until the clocks change at the end of October provided we have sufficient entries.
Entries to Joy Toomer, or via our Facebook page. The cost is £22 per rider and these lessons are only available to members of BBA. Payment is by BACS and details of our bank account are to be found on a separate post on our website. We cannot normally make refunds for withdrawals as we have to pay for the facilities. May we please ask members to enter as early for each session as they can, late entries make organising very difficult.
Hats should be to the correct 2024 British Riding Clubs standards and preferably pink tagged. Body protectors should be worn by novice riders and air jackets may be worn. Footwear should be correct with a suitable heel and stirrups should be a suitable width, neither too wide nor too tight. Horses must be vaccinated against equine influenza. BBA recommends that riders carry in case of emergency information at all our events. Neck straps are a good idea especially with young or inexperienced horses.